As you can see, a DUI, or DWI (driving while intoxicated) arrest is something not to be taken lightly. It can cause significant disruption to your life and family. If you were involved in an auto accident and someone else was hurt while driving under the influence, you could be charged with much steeper crimes, such as manslaughter, reckless driving, and more. In sum, it’s never a good idea to drink and drive.
Smith Bail Bonds recognizes that no matter the crime you have been arrested for, you are innocent until proven guilty. Our local bail bondsman in southeastern Missouri can help you get out of jail quickly. We are a 24-hour local bail bond company. When you call us, we’ll gather some personal information, get the paperwork started, and then collect your fee, which is a percentage based off the crime you or your loved one has been charged with. Once all of the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, you are free to return to your loved ones and begin to prepare your defense.
Smith Bail Bonds is here to help if you’ve been charged with a DUI in southeastern Missouri, including Jackson, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, and New Madrid counties. Give our local bail bond company a call today!